We are excited about the announcement of our first Virtual Table Top Exercise (VTTX) for our Student Network members! Members of our Network will have the chance to join a bi-monthly exercise of a crisis simulation. This month’s scenario is based on a campus incident!
You will have the chance to participate in a simulation where you will be able to take critical decisions during a crisis!
Our platform can simulate exactly all the challenges that risk and security managers are facing during emergency times. Every decision you make can be critical for the final outcome of the simulation.
Do you want to move from the theory of your school to a close-to real-life practice?
Then register today on our Student Network and you will get an invitation to participate in an exciting event!
All our members will get an invitation to their e-mail addresses. A lot of interest in that! Do not forget to register to receive the invitation!
Do you want to know more about the VTTX- Crisis Simulation? Check out here!