ISRM Global Journal – Call for Papers

The next Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM) Global Journal will be published in late November 2024, and we are calling for papers from risk and resilience management professionals, as well as academics from related fields, who would like to share their experiences and insights.

Call for Papers

  • Theme: Human Factors and Human-Centric Risk Management

While submissions on all aspects of risk and resilience are welcome, we are particularly encouraging a focus on human factors and human-centric risk management.

Articles will be selected based on relevance, quality, and significance. At the editor’s discretion, some articles may also be chosen for inclusion in future journal issues.

Deadline for Submission

The deadline for submissions is Friday 18 October 2024. Submissions can either be opinion pieces or peer-reviewed articles, guidelines for which are detailed below.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are required to submit with their papers:

  • a suitable high-definition professional headshot;
  • a brief biography (approx. 100 words);
  • and 2 or 3 quotes/extracts from the paper that best captures its key points.

Opinion Piece:

  • To be original in content, and to provide appropriate references where other content is indeed included. The responsibility for originality and plagiarism issues remains with the author, not the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM).
  • Make a contribution to business practice, and have not been previously published elsewhere.
  • Provide opinions and insights, as well as practical information on how to deal with contemporary risk and resilience management issues.
  • Not be commercial in nature (i.e. advertising or publicising a service or product)
  • Author/s to include a statement regarding conflicts of interest.
  • Artilcles should be submitted in Word and double spaced.
  • Harvard referencing should be utilised as appropriate.
  • Suggested paper length: 800 to 1500 words

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

All of the guidelines above, plus:

  • Answer the “so what” question.
  • Address the implications/impacts for business practitioners, supported by appropriate practical examples (where applicable).
  • Suggested article length/s:
    • Empirical article <5,000 words excluding title page, abstract & references
    • Review <4,000 words excluding title page, abstract & references
    • Meta-analysis <4,000 words excluding title page, abstract & references
    • Case history <3,000 words excluding title page, abstract & references

Role of ISRM Journal Peer Review Committee:

  • Reviewers may offer comments and suggestions for further revision, or reject the paper.
  • Final copy-editing may occur to ensure a professional standard is maintained.
  • Once the paper has been accepted for publication, the publication date will be advised.

As the deadline is indeed approaching, we encourage those interested in submitting an article to make contact with us as soon as possible.

  • Journal Editor: Dr Paul Johnston
  • Email:
  • Mobile: +61 419 724 632

Thank you in advance, and we look forward to hearing from you.