In a world where unforeseen crises can disrupt business operations at any time, it is essential to influence corporate organisations to invest in emergency preparedness. Proactive measures are essential to mitigate risks and ensure continuity in the face of unexpected challenges. Remember, failing to prepare means preparing to fail.
Following the success of the ISRM Ireland Chapter event in February, we are delighted to announce a follow-up online session on “Influencing Corporate Organisations to Invest in Emergency Preparedness: FAIL TO PREPARE, PREPARE TO FAIL” with Frank Cannon as the main speaker. Building upon our previous discussions, this session will explore the strategies for advocating and implementing proactive measures to mitigate risks and ensure business continuity.
- 10th April 2024, 13:00 /BST/
- Online
Register now and join us as we discuss the importance of emergency preparedness and how it can safeguard businesses from potential disasters.