A Surge In Human Trafficking During COVID-19

Human trafficking is a global issue, affecting every country directly or indirectly, in some form, on our doorsteps, and a major social threat that creates many vulnerable victims. In 2018, It took an in-depth academic research paper to realize that the very City I was living in – Houston in Texas – was home to […]

Establishing Occupational Violence and Aggression as a Strategic Risk

In management theory, it is generally accepted there are three levels of decision making – operational, tactical, and strategic. Operational decisions are typically made by low-to- mid level supervisors and managers, and are expected to have minor, short-term impact on the company. Tactical decisions are generally made by mid-to-upper management, and are concerned with implemented […]

An Exploration of Reflective Practice in Security Risk Management: How Senior Security Managers experience Reflective Practice

ABSTRACT This study explored how senior security risk managers experience reflective practice. It looked specifically at the extent to which the practitioners reflected on their own practice, the ways in which they did so, and the usefulness of reflective practice for security risk management managers. Grounded theory methodology was used to collect and analyse relevant […]